Saturday, January 06, 2007

Mundane Update ... College Saga!

A little bit of the mundane setting in as we're settling into the beginning of 2007. As always, it's getting less rainy, getting a little hotter.

Like a carrot to make us run faster, I think these few months make the rest of the year worthwhile. So many holidays squeezed together, ang pows to collect (keeping in mind the change in status soon, its not really something to look forward to), and bonuses, it's all a ploy to make us work harder!

Things are starting to get rough at work. Demanding and impatient users, always a bad combination. I think it is a fine art, trying to balance client expectation with reality, and I honestly think we have not done that at all, so I am stuck directly in the middle, trying to match reality to never-ending-always-and-constant-and-daily absolutely MASSIVE shifts in expectations...

Other than that. Everything's great! :) Nothing much else to add. Just thought that this following clip is cool. You must have played Final Fantasy to really appreciate it though... Enjoy. There are 4 parts to this, so be sure to watch all.

College Saga Episode 1
College Saga Episode 2
College Saga Episode 3
College Saga Episode 4

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