Sunday, October 22, 2006

Incredible Weekend

Pic from Far East Website
Spent an incredible weekend with Hwei Min at the Far East Plaza Service Apartments.

Had thought of having another barbeque at the balcony, but thought otherwise because we had a heavy buffet lunch at Goodwood Park Hotel with my parents.

Madeline and Tony came over to join us for a game of Cashflow 101. Tony chose to sit out of the game. While Madeline played with us, he took a nap. We played a standard two hour game, first half, and second half. Tried to explain the game mechanics, and the underlying implications to our everyday lives. I think she understands a little, but not too sure if she really got it.

Madeline said that we were two friends that Tony ‘approved’ of, and was willing to join us for a get-together. Quite a nice feeling, that.

I sincerely hope, and Hwei Min does too… that Tony would eventually be able to listen to some of the financial literacy stuff that we are talking about, and Madeline is just getting the hang of now. I think it is great that Madeline wants to find out, but it will be great if the both of them are in this together.

That’s one big reason why I love Hwei Min so much. She has her faults, she might falter a little in our path, heck, I do too sometimes. But we are both on the same path, and if what our friends say is true, this kind of partnership is worth millions.

We watched a total of two movies this weekend. “Deathnote”, and “The Departed”. I’ll be coming up with the reviews shortly, a little too much for the week. I will get down to the other two movies that I’ve watched soon. Watched “Rob-B-Hood” on Tuesday, and “Talladega Nights : The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” on Wednesday.

Note to myself … blog on the day things happen, not after!!!

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