Monday, November 27, 2006


It's been almost three weeks since i've written in, and what an eventful three weeks it had been.

Helped out at Destin and Jessie's wedding, project deadlines, begin helping out with Tony and Madeline's wedding. Wow... It's been fun, but tiring.

Did not realise that a wedding could be so complex. Most of D&J's wedding had run smoothly enough because it was relatively simple and also due to their excellent planning. T&M's would be tougher but more interesting as well. From their plans, there would be more chinese customs, stuff like getting a 'tong zhi' (young boy) to jump on their bridal bed, pee into a traditional urinal bowl with an egg inside, and eat that egg all for the belief that it would make the couple conceive early.

Hmm... He will receive an ang bao... But even a thousand dollars would not be enough for me to even consider eating an egg half cooked by my own urine!

If I get no objections, I would place some of the photos I've taken from D&J's wedding soon. So stay with me for a bit.

And dear readers... what spurs me on to write is the fact that I know there are friends out there reading. Thank you very much for reading! I will try my best to carry on writing.

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